Thank you for visiting this
Teachable Tunes section of the Brushtime Enterprises website. The importance of daily flossing, and brushing, and nutritious dietary choices cannot be over emphasized for everyone to maintain healthy gums and strong teeth. Brushtime Enterprises is dedicated to supporting these health care needs through the development of unique product innovation and creative educational content. This includes entertaining songs with catchy lyrics that can help to inspire children and families, and communicate the importance of routine oral health care behaviors. Experts say children reap many benefits from hearing and singing the same songs over and over. Please take the time to listen to the words of these
Teachable Tunes that you and your children can sing-along with together every time you floss and brush; or just anytime you want to use your vocals to recite these insightful and captivating messages.
Song Credits and Lyrics:
The Brushtime Bunny Song©
Written, composed and vocals by pediatric dentist, Dr. Winifred J. Booker
Music Production by Brian Smith
DOWNLOAD The Brushtime Bunny Song© Lyrics »
Brushtime Baby Song©
Written & composed by pediatric dentist, Dr. Winifred J. Booker
Lead vocals & backgrounds by Grammy nominated jazz recording artist, MAYSA
Music Production by Chris “Big Dog” Davis
DOWNLOAD Brushtime Baby Song© Lyrics »
Brush, Brush, Brush©
Written, composed and vocals by pediatric dentist, Dr. Winifred J. Booker
Music Production by Brian Smith
DOWNLOAD Brush, Brush, Brush© Lyrics »
Poems and Pledges:
The Brushtime Bunny Pledge© »
Don’t Do It© »